Local Ministries

Community Outreach & Fall Festival 
November 3, 2018

Outreach to Neighborhoods Devastated by Florence

At TBC, we keep looking toward Jesus while ministering to those in need during these trying times in our community. On Saturday, October 6 we took part in serving lunch at the Red River Meeting Place to several neighborhoods affected by flooding in the wake of Florence (Cross Creek, Island Creek, Avondale, and Equine Acres). Many members, as well as friends donated and prepared food, water, and other supplies to help those who have lost most of their homes. We were also there to offer spiritual support to all those in need. This was a wonderful opportunity to serve and show love to those who are hurting, just as Jesus did for all of us! It is our belief that the Lord uses opportunities such as this to plant seeds and bless all those who were involved. Please continue to pray for our church & community in this effort today as well as in the coming days.

Good evening TBC, 

I am so grateful for everyone who was able to come out today and minister to the hurting people across the area. Wow, you all showed up for the Lord. Thank you, thank you, thank you and may I say a special Thank you to our young people you shined bright for the Lord. We were told that at least 2 precious souls made professions of faith in Christ as their Lord and Savior today, GLORY!! and everyone that came through was touched as you fed them and took personal time to pray with individuals. 

The Gideons passed out many Scriptures and shared witness with everyone that came through the line. What a great day. A young lady named Shirley is volunteering to come to the Tent meeting tomorrow evening and play her violin/fiddle. She was just so moved by your compassion. If I understood her right, she is the co-director of the Wilmington Orchestra. 

Oh what a Wonderful Savior we serve and what a great day & event this was. I pray for a great moving of the Holy Spirit throughout the week of meeting under the Tent. I hope you all rest well tonight. Come ready to share with all, your experiences of the day. To God be the Glory, great things He has done. 

Love you all. 

God bless  

Pastor Bryan Griffith

Lifeline Pregnancy Center Ministry

Our church is currently receiving contributions for the Lifeline Pregnancy Center in Wilmington. Any donations will help women receive free pregnancy tests, confidential peer Christian counseling, alternatives to abortion, as well as other much needed support. See Sharon or Jen for questions or details! 

4524 Fountain Dr.
Wilmington, NC 28412
(910) 799-0270

Every good and perfect gift comes from above.
James 1:17
Copyright ©2025 Topsail Baptist Church, All Rights Reserved.

Pastor Bryan Griffith
Topsail Baptist Church
18885 US Hwy 17N
Hampstead, NC 28443
(910) 270-9038