For where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I in the midst of them.
-Matthew 18:20 KJV
Pastor Bryan Griffith
18885 US 17-N
Hampstead, NC
(910) 270-9038


The new Ladies' Bible Study is about Romans and takes place each Thursday at 6:30 pm. If you have any questions, please see Ms. Carolyn.

Tuesday Virtual Prayer Group

Please join us at 6 pm on Tuesdays for a short prayer on Facebook. You can type in your prayer requests on Facebook as well, even if you are unable to watch the live prayer.



Worship Schedule


9:25 am  Pre-Worship Prayer Time 

9:45 am  Sunday School 

10:45 am  Worship Service* 

4:00 pm Awana Kids Club  

6:00 pm Evening Service

7:00 pm Choir Practice



10:00 am Women's Prayer

6:30 pm Youth Meet



6:00 pm Facebook Online Prayer Group

7:00 pm TBC AA



6:00 pm Prayer & Worship in Sanctuary



6:30 pm Ladies' Bible Study (beginning March 6)



6:00 am Meet for Prayer



Pray for One Another & Talk to God


*Nursery available for infants & children up to 3 years old





Copyright ©2025 Topsail Baptist Church, All Rights Reserved.

Pastor Bryan Griffith
Topsail Baptist Church
18885 US Hwy 17N
Hampstead, NC 28443
(910) 270-9038